
Last week, as I re-watched “Models and Mortals” in preparation for this column, I realized something startling: I am finally as old as Carrie was in Season One.  I am finally 32. Ten years ago, on September 11th, 2001, I was living in New York for the first time, subletting a place on 137th Street… Read more »


(written while watching the MSNBC Reagan Library Republican presidential candidate debate) An Ode to Underwear: Living Underwear. Sustainable Underwear. Can you live without Underwear? Dive under some Underwear. Down under Underwear. Organic Underwear. Rick Perry Underwear. Underwear on fire. Successful Underwear. Living the dream Underwear. I love underwear. Some people don’t have Underwear. Support Underwear… Read more »


You don’t even have to really say just what you’re referring to. In the months, the weeks and even the days leading up this week, just about everyone I know has given me a recount of where they were ten years ago. Ten years ago – when life as we know it changed. Ten years… Read more »


Geeezz…. What’s happening? All of these things are supposed to happen elsewhere!! Earthquakes? That’s so west coast. Hurricanes? That’s a southern thing. But we have BOTH! So what’s up? New York has long maintained that it is the city that can handle anything. Well, be careful what you ask for. Maybe that’s the issue. A… Read more »