The lives of musicians are endlessly fascinating. Through dedicated and devoted practice, the instruments become part of the their being, a natural appendage of their life. The instruments become their voice through which they communicate with the world. The stimulus of their life, the spirit of their time, their personal desires and heartbreaks are transformed… Read more »
New York City’s newly appointed Mayor Bill de Blasio, and crowned City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito, both progressive liberals have corroborated on Blasio’s political agenda to expand a legislation allowing sick-days to more that 300,000 workers. An enactment that requires businesses with over five or more employees to provide a minimum of five paid… Read more »
The poetry scene in New York City is more alive and vibrant than ever. This may strike some people by surprise. When we think of poetry we often think of the 19th century salons in Paris or the Bohemian haunts of the 20’s or the howling beatitudes of the 50’s and 60’s. However, there are… Read more »
Walking east near the 59th Street Bridge, I saw a startling shadow up ahead. A bishop’s crook, twenty feet tall, on the smooth surface of a brick wall painted white. The light pole’s reflection flickered. I fumbled for my camera but before I could pull it out the shadow slipped away along with the sunlight… Read more »
New York State may soon embrace medical marijuana. We’d be better off if the government legalized it outright. Why talk half-steps when other states have already made cannabis legal? It was Tommy Chong who put it to New York via social media, saying that we were behind the high times. New York used to be… Read more »
Most people are familiar with the fable of the enraged lion marauding villages. Brave warriors are sent to defeat the lion and one after another the warriors are lost, rendering the villages increasingly vulnerable. Finally, a tiny mouse meagerly and harmlessly visits the lair of the lion and finds a thorn stuck in his paw. … Read more »
Fortunately, this holiday season did not trigger a new search for expandable waist pants. My overeating was sporadic and there was no fatal wound as there was in 2009. That year my “Lost Weekend” lasted two weeks. I ate golden cake with double chocolate icing for dinner, five times. I devoured 13 velvet cupcakes with… Read more »
Recently, I was sitting at Central Park with the playwright Lily Rusek. We paused and silently watched the traffic swirl around Columbus Circle. Then our eyes climbed the twinkling towers into the sky. As we stared at the beauty of the city, she made the comment, “You know, sometimes I forget I live in New… Read more »
Several years ago, while visiting the tourist sites in Manhattan around the holidays with some family, we were walking on Central Park South after a stop at The Plaza. As we passed by the line of hansom cabs, my Grandmother remarked that she had never taken a horse-drawn carriage ride through Central Park. My father… Read more »
An early 1980s New Yorker moment “Please! Step on the scale!” A firm male voice directed me. I waited a second; listening hard to make sure she sounded busy three rooms away. When I heard the sink running, I got on and the number came up. “Your weight is 178 pounds. Have a nice day…. Read more »