
For the first time since 1920 the New York Times put an editorial on its front page calling on the U.S. to ‘End the Gun Epidemic in America.’ The editorial came in the wake of an Islamic terror attack by a husband and wife team in San Bernardino, California that killed 14 people and wounded… Read more »


New York City is largely spared the horrors of Black Friday shopping brawls. A security guard was trampled to death a few years ago in Valley Stream, Long Island, right outside of Queens, but within the five boroughs we have a better history of crowd control. And few of our poor people have cars. There’s… Read more »


Walking towards Brooklyn Bridge Park this past weekend on a family outing, we came across the sight that represented everything not to like about Brooklyn. I even took a photo of it because it summed up so much of what is wrong with our city and world. There was a long line in front of… Read more »


The New York Metropolitans are currently in the playoffs and competing for the National League Championship and the chance to play in the World Series. New Yorkers, though divided among sports loyalties, are fully behind the Mets this year. The New York Mets will always be New York’s other team. They could win every World… Read more »


Meera Gandhi, founder and CEO of the Giving Back Foundation, has devoted her life to helping others.  Through the years, she has selflessly dedicated her time and resources to help those who are the most vulnerable in the world.  Through her efforts, she provides aid and assistance to ensure that others may develop their lives… Read more »