
Meera Gandhi, founder and CEO of the Giving Back Foundation, has devoted her life to helping others.  Through the years, she has selflessly dedicated her time and resources to help those who are the most vulnerable in the world.  Through her efforts, she provides aid and assistance to ensure that others may develop their lives and achieve their potential.  Through the recognition and awards she has received, she works to transform the social mindset so that people recognize the greatest strength and most radiant beauty is in one’s compassion for others.

Among Mrs. Gandhi’s accomplishments she produced, directed and narrates the documentary Giving Back which features numerous international figures and philanthropist including Bono from the band U2 and Hillary Clinton.  She also wrote the book Giving Back which features the efforts of many of her friends who selflessly serve through various humanitarian efforts.  She also produced the album Giving Back, The Music which features global music that entertains as well as inspires us to harmonize our lives together.  She also released the Giving Back iPad App that allows everyone to make their own contribution to the improvement of the lives of others, reminding us that the world is in our hands.

Mrs. Gandhi will speak at the UN Chapel on October 14.

Recently, Mrs. Gandhi took the time to answer a few questions from the staff of Ask a New Yorker.

1. What inspired you to become a humanitarian?
I think my work just evolved. It was neither a plan nor ambition. Even today I think what I do is a mere drop in the bucket. But if every grain of sand thought it did not count then we would have no beautiful beaches. I am glad that I am celebrated because I know when I meet young people they think it’s hip to help other people and live a life of service, de facto I am a role model and I do love that. We are all doing the best we can on this short time we have on earth and living is my inspiration, meeting good people is my inspiration, seeing things change for the better is my inspiration. I really do think that education is the key to transforming lives and that is the main mission of The Giving Back Foundation that I started.

2. What are your priority concerns for child welfare that you would like to see changed in the world?
I think the safety of our children is important.  They need to have a safe and nurtured childhood. I will address this along with transformative education as my key concerns at the UN on October 14 and also on October 8 at our foundations annual gala at the Carlyle Hotel in NYC.

3. With the Orphanage that you began in India (@ St. Michael’s,) what are your goals for it and for the children whose lives you impact?
The St Michael’s School and Hostel provides education and all the needs for the girls there. We want them to grow into healthy successful young girls, no different than the goals I have for my own three children and people who work for me.

4. Who are your role models in the world?Meera Gandhi, II
Cherie Blair, Hillary Clinton, my mother Ellen Mary and my daughter Kiran Gandhi

5. What do you want to see for our world, your children and their children in the future?
I am in Palo Alto this week and I am amazed to see start ups and venture capitalists alike all looking for solutions, digital and otherwise, where they can alleviate human suffering and poverty. The enlightened know that when all are happy and out of misery then we will all be happy. It is a symbiotic world we live in where we receive as we give.

The millennials are not doing business like their parents did. They are cooperative and not competitive.  They trust rather than mistrust.  They want to succeed but want to take people with them.  They want to live healthy lives in healthy bodies so they do business taking walks and jogs together.  Our generation is understanding the importance of being mindful and uncluttering – it all inspires me and tells me that the world is in good hands and heading in the RIGHT direction.

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