
Ghosts of departed quantities, Where do you find your fulfillment?

Bayesian efforts aside,

Is there any reason to believe that This moment is different than That one?

Who fired the first shot?

It’s not a culture war. Maybe you don’t understand.



Consider these five facts (and men, listen up!):

1. Death rates rise directly in proportion to the percentage of working men with incomes below $50,000 in a community.  Repeat: Working age men with less income=more likely to die.  More stress, less services, poorer care, more environmental assaults. White men. Black men. Latino men.

2.Working men in the lowest 25% of income are 3 times more likely to have cardiovascular disease and are twice as likely to die than men with greater income… regardless of type of job.

3. If you are a woman of lesser means and have breast cancer, you will be diagnosed later than a woman of greater means, and when diagnosed will have a higher probability of dying.

4. Americans in the top 20 percent of income in the US will live 6.5 years longer than the rest of us. I guess they have better genes? That’s why they have the money? That’s why they have the health?  Really?

5. 46 million Americans live below the poverty line… almost 1 in 6.  Think about that!  And most of them are children.  Almost 1 in 4 children live in poverty.  Think of every child you know and then think about every fourth one. Living in poverty. In America.

This is not tiddly winks. It is dead or alive.  He who must not be named is extreme income inequality.  Why does all this exist? Why have we lost our moral compass? Why do we cheer outrageous evil villains in the commons? Because there is money in politics that thrives on outrage and slaughtering our better angels.  If there was no corruption and money in politics we would find our way. Reform campaign finance.

So maybe you think, “It can’t happen here. Not to me. I won’t be poor.  I’ll hang on.” Son, it’s not about you hanging on. The walls are coming down.  Get out there and help take them down

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