Out of town visitors often remark on how lean and fit everyone in New York appears. Look waist down at most local residents and you will find a pair of legs that have been conditioned by sidewalk pounding, taxi chasing, Citibike borrowing and the lugging of groceries up and laundry bags down flights of apartment building stairs.
It’s a welcome side effect of New York living.
It’s not only Pilates, hot yoga, Pure Barre and FlyWheel that keep New Yorkers in fighting form – it’s the daily struggle that does it – the minute-by-minute need to “stay on your toes” as you navigate life in one of the greatest cities in the world.

“Engaging your core” is a constant in NYC. How else would you spring to action to take a seat on the crosstown bus, stand your ground against cut-ins on the around-the-corner line at Trader Joe’s or guard your table at a packed Starbucks?
Having a solid, centered feeling in the middle of an ever-changing, demanding town is a must.
Whether you’re a longtime resident or planning to visit New York City soon, build up the strength of your abdominals. You’ll find it much easier to jump out of the way of oncoming bike messengers, duck the splash of grey water caused by passive aggressive drivers, dodge sidewalk texters and surf between subway cars when you’d rather skip strap hanging.
New York is an athletic event. Train for it. Here’s one extreme (and extremely fun) way to do it: Parkour Video