
Margaret Thatcher may have been many things: A member of Parliament, Education Secretary, British Prime Minister and more recently a Baroness but above all she was the mother of her twins Mark and Carol. As they mourn the passing of their mother we say to her critics – show some respect! Many people in New York, and others all over the world have been shocked and saddened to learn of a small majority of ill mannered and misguided Brits celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher. Now Ask a New Yorker has discovered that the woman behind the internet campaign to organize street parties to “celebrate” the death of Thatcher is identified as someone by the name of Romany Blythe. Apparently she is a 45-year-old community drama teacher from south London, England. She is also a woman who sadly has more of a face for radio than the silver screen. But the question we have to ask is whether she serious? A party to celebrate someone dying? Not just any woman but a former Prime Minister and someone who America adored. Don’t go there Blythe! Or more to the point don’t bother coming here. We are not talking Bin Laden here but Margaret Thatcher, a woman who not only truly loved her country, but faced assassination attempts. Did Thatcher do well? History will determine that but should people be dancing in the streets over her death? Here in New York that’s not we expect from Brits. Not sure what this Blythe woman’s claim to fame is or what her contribution to society has been but she is currently making headlines for being in extremely poor taste. Lets face it organizing street parties to celebrate a persons death is hardly a thing to be proud of. Ask a New Yorker suggests she gets a life and shows some respect. To make matters worse this Blythe character is meant to be a teacher. Of what subject pray tell?  What sort of example is she setting? Whether you agreed with Mrs. Thatcher’s policies or not, there is no disputing the former British Prime Minister was a great defender of freedom, friend of America, and a brilliant woman. Above all, in the context of this particular moment in time Mrs.Thatcher has died. Yes love Maggie or hate her, she has passed on, and Romany Blythe whoever she maybe or wannabe should have some respect. Let’s face it death happens to us all and even Blythe one day. Sadly, Ms. Blythe apparently has so much time on her hands that she feels the need to rally wannabe protesters (what an ambition) through a group on Facebook called The Witch is Dead. Now this is sad. Blythe is calling for “demonstrations of disapproval” across the country. Earth to Blythe Maggie has gone. Move on. Shouldn’t you be more concerned with Kim Jung Un? Sadly, this Blythe woman teaches drama and apparently likes to attempt to create some. She has also worked with a workshop company that visits secondary schools. What is she teaching? Anarchy? Blythe claims she had invited more than 5,300 people to a “flash party” to mark Lady Thatcher’s passing, with the message: “Anyone else like to join us?” The Facebook page reads: “Come and celebrate our liberty and freedom from tyranny! On the day Maggie stands down, once and for all!” Blythe has appeared in photographs like the one featured here posing alongside other members of her motley crew including former cabinet minister and constant critic of America Tony Benn, and Owen Jones, the Left-wing writer. The dumb blonde in the picture’s face has been hidden. Though we know who she is and we are not being Catty. However we have to ask what Blythe will do when her friend Big Benn passes on. Throw a party at Marx’s grave in North London? The truth is when Tony Benn does go to his maker (though as an atheist he doesn’t believe in one) there will be those who will not wax poetic about him either but rather than celebrate his passing hopefully people will afford him respect in death. We absolutely know that Queen Elizabeth won’t attend Benn’s funeral though she will attend Thatcher’s. Telling or what? Yet, one day there will be mourners for Benn, and there will be those who may not have agreed with him but out of respect won’t party. Ms. Blythe told Britain’s Daily Telegraph her dislike of the former prime minister came from being told she might never find work on leaving school in 1984. Sadly she wrong.

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