
A mile and a half from where I live, at the same intersection where I’ve used the ATM countless times and taken my children for numerous fast food happy meals, a man was killed outside a bar after being punched in a fight. A 35-year-old-man punched a man 20 years his senior. The older man… Read more »


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Psychodynamics & My Marriage Proposal Experiment! Most People Only Read Headlines Or Titles! A marriage proposal experiment was conducted on social media to invalidate a pervasive hypothesis that people’s collective motivation to share interesting, valuable and worthy information based solely on headlines/titles, without apathy for content is… Read more »


If you’re a New York landlord, you likely believe that your lease agreement is the law when it comes to your properties. But, if your tenant violates the rules of that document, you can’t just throw them out. New York evictions can occur as a result of a lease violation, but there is a process… Read more »


New York is a city that lives on the freedom of expression. It is the place where people come to from all over the world to be free and to be themselves. There are many thousands of Muslims in New York and no one has been killed here over a cartoon. New Yorkers were aghast… Read more »


As we head into the holidays, New York is a city divided. It has always been a place of vigorous debate and contested policies, but the latest controversy over race and policing has dialed up the vitriol and indicates a further departure from civilized debate. The past summer Eric Garner, a black man on Staten… Read more »


In the past few years a litany of small businesses have closed in Manhattan. From music venues like CBGBs and the Roseland Ballroom to stalwart restaurants like Union Square Cafe, NYC landmarks are disappearing at an alarming rate. Normally this would be a sign of a struggling economy but here it means quite the opposite…. Read more »


Friday night The Replacements took over Forest Hills with a long-awaited concert at the historic Forest Hills Stadium. Though the band’s current tour began in 2013 this show marked the first time in over 20 years that the band played in New York. That time away seems to have improved the group’s live act taking… Read more »


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression induced during whether change; primarily around winter months mood-swings are quite pervasive, and during summer the spirit uplifting becomes more prevalent. Let’s exclude therapy, antidepressants and other attributes, and specifically focus on the inherent correlation between weather conditions and our physiological mechanisms. Light stimulates a powerful effect… Read more »


There’s finally an Internet challenge you can be proud of and you should ignore the naysayers and do it already. That’s the ice bucket challenge. The number of Internet “challenges” that have proliferated over the last several years are legion. These challenges normally involve a potentially dangerous stunt such as the “fire challenge,” the “cinnamon… Read more »


Steven Spinola, 65, has been the longest serving president of The Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY), the city’s leading trade association with approximately 15,000 members. The Influential trade group and real estate advocacy organization for housing and home development throughout the city. Mr Spinola, announced his premature departure in 2015, to the board… Read more »