I would like to borrow Mike Kelly’s imagination for a few days, so I can create a grand metaphor for life itself. Hurry to PS1 before the fresh loafs of inspiration leak away into the good warm world. Mike Kelly at PS1 managed to decant every drop of his wonderfully colorful mind into a multi-dimensional… Read more »
New York Art
Every generation must outdo the one before. Not only does everyone know this, everyone has lived it. We all experience the developmental stage of defiance and rebellion. The obsolete is abandoned so new ideas can arise and society is renewed. These are the rites of passage. Consider the “rite of passage” on the topic of… Read more »
The gay community is a collective rainbow huff over the movie “Ender’s Game” because the author of the novel on which the movie is based, Orson Scott Card, holds conservative views on gay marriage and homosexuality. Lots of gays refuse to see the film and some have organized boycotts. I have not read the book… Read more »
The debate about art endlessly fascinates. Is it a means of communication or is it an end within itself? Is the creation of art the transformation of the artist? Or does the artist transform the medium? Is each work a labyrinth through which the audience may discover themselves anew, or is the work completely independent… Read more »
One of the greatest challenges for professional dancers is basic survival. On the stage they accomplish the impossible with ease, but their lives are often perplexed with paucity. Few artists make such severe sacrifices. Even at a professional level, dancers must often supplement their meager income with various jobs. In addition to this, dancers spend… Read more »
People are writing more than ever. There are more open mic poetry readings than ever before. MFA programs are popping up everywhere. Some people believe the literary market is over-saturated. I disagree. As our means of communication increase, there is a greater need for people to express themselves with greater clarity and precision. Most conflicts… Read more »
Everyone has heard the phrase that all roads lead to Rome. When I first arrived in New York City in 2011, I felt all the literary lines I had been reading through my life had been leading me here. I had never stepped foot in the city, I had never even been within 200 miles… Read more »