Yesterday, a hawk soared over Central Park’s Sailboat Lake (aka the Conservatory) for twenty minutes without a landing. The British were at the Band Shell celebrating the Olympics, charity, rugby, and the Queen’s 60th year on the throne. They also brought along a beautiful classic car just because. Near the statue of the Union soldier from the 69th Regiment, a water fountain got all psychedelic on me—I spied 64 Crayola colors reflected in the rippling water.
I’m lucky to be in New York City, lucky to find quiet places to read and think and, when the mood suits me, let go and allow an impulsive explosion of sensation to rock my world. The city never bores, which I will prove with many photos over the next few weeks. Here are eight shots from yesterday and a public link to 70 photographs from my Central Park romp.

By the way, Billy Stewart really says it best:
Thomas Pryor has been featured on A Prairie Home Companion and This American Life, and his work has appeared in the New York Times. He curates City Stories: Stoops to Nuts, a storytelling show at the Cornelia Street Café on the second Tuesday of the month (next one June 12th). Check out his blog Yorkville: Stoops to Nuts.