By the light the silvery moon, New York in June. Zero Mostel sang it best in the 1968 film The Producers.
This past week, I experienced Manhattan in June. Pictured here is a cloud-swirled full moon over Washington Square; Gramercy Park balconies & ivy; Sheep Meadow squirrels; East River clouds, boats, lighthouses and bridges; the Plaza fountain; and a pretty midtown building in blue.

I am struggling between my need to write and my urge to photograph it all. I’m trying to calm down, go with flow, and see what happens next.
If you need more, HERE is a link to more NYC photos that bring me cheer.
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Tommy Pryor opens on Monday, 6/11/12 for storyteller Adam Wade at the Theatre under St. Mark’s. 94 St. Mark’s Place. $5. Tommy’s own storytelling show, City Stories: Stoops to Nuts will be at the Cornelia Street Cafe on Tuesday, 6/12/12 and will feature Barbara Aliprantis, Robin Bady, Leslie Goshko, Joy Kelly, Mike Fornatale, and The Tall Pines. Admission is $7 and includes one free drink.
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Thomas Pryor has been featured on A Prairie Home Companion and This American Life, and his work has appeared in the New York Times. He curates City Stories: Stoops to Nuts, a storytelling show at the Cornelia Street Café on the second Tuesday of the month (next one June 12th). Check out his blog Yorkville: Stoops to Nuts.